Thyda Sar


Honoree: Thyda Sar

Honored by: SBGA

Thyda is a definite go-to person for all things organization. Not only does she reliably recruit, track, and organize our volunteer information, but she does it with a positive attitude and a passion for helping others. She also attends each of our volunteer events and puts her passion to action. Thyda is a member of our volunteer leadership council, and she can always be trusted with a task — she’ll do it on time, and the right way, and she’ll do it well. People who work with her love her, and strive to follow the example she sets, both at work and at volunteer events. She even brings family with her to volunteer events, and it’s obvious that she loves giving back. We at SBGA are so happy Thyda is with us, and so grateful for the vast amount of work and passion she brings to our volunteer efforts.

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